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Importance of showing multiple clear product images for Amazon or eBay shop

Nowadays Amazon or eBay is the most popular online marketplace. Millions of sellers put their products in this online marketplace. So that one can easily imagine, how competitive a place this is! Selling a product in an online marketplace is not an easy task. Moreover, it is a little bit tricky to sell a product in an online marketplace than in a supper shop or shopping mall. For example, if a potential customer opts to buy a pair of shoes from a shoe store he or she can physically present there. Then the person can touch the shoe, trial the shoe. Thus he or she can justify the quality of the shoes. The sellers can verbally convince the potential customer to rely on their products. After considering all these matters the customer finally trusts the shoes and purchases that. But purchasing a product from an online marketplace is quite different. Because in this case of online marketing the potential customer cannot get the opportunity to justify the quality of product except product image and some information about. The only way to gain the trust of the potential customer is the aesthetic view of particular products. This is why maintaining eBay Amazon Image Requirement on posting your product photos is most important.

It is also statistically proved that an attractive photo of a product plays a vital role in tempting customers. So, for online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, the images of the products have to be awesome. Without an appealing image of the product, the attention of the potential customer cannot be drawn. More the appealing look of the products more the sale. In order to increase the sale of products on Amazon or eBay, there is no alternative way to emphasize on proper representation of images of a particular product. For this reason, using multiple clear images of a product is very effective. It has been mentioned earlier that customer does not get the opportunity to touch the product on online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay so clear product photo from several angles is very important. Because multiple clear images of a product from various angles will give a clear overview of a product among the customers. Since the space for describing the product is limited, the images of the products have the capability to express the pros and cons of the product. In a single word, the images have to be really awesome. And you must know what exactly eBay Amazon Image Requirement is before start posting an image or selling products.

Details Rules and Guidelines of eBay Amazon Image Requirement

White Background

Every product image must be photographed against a pure white background.

Showing Entire Product

Product images should show the entire product.

Avoid Text or Watermark

The product image shouldn’t contain any distracting text or watermarks.

Image Size

The image should be sized to 500 pixels on one side, so that prospective buyer can clearly see the product enough to make an educated decision about whether or not to purchase it. Amazon’s seller’s guide actually recommends size product images at 1000 x 1000 pixels.

Rules And Guidelines for Image Posting on eBay and Amazon in Generally Common

ebay amazon image requirement

  • Every listing must have at least one photo but multiple photos are best.
  • Listings without accompanying photos are no longer allowed.
  • eBay or Amazon requires a minimum length of 500 pixels for the longest side.
  • Avoid borders on your photos
  • Borders aren’t allowed on any photo.
  • Watermark is not allowed
    Watermarks are allowed for ownership and attribution, but not for marketing information, specific details about items, or customer service. The watermark should be no bigger than 5% of the total image area, have an opacity of no more than 50%, and never obscure the item. Links are not allowed in watermarks.
  • Avoid text on photos
    Avoid text or artwork (such as “Free shipping” or seller logos) that may be added to photos. Copy that is essential to your listing should be placed in the title, subtitle, or item description.
  • Enabling the Zoom feature
    Listing photos will be automatically enabled with a free zoom/enlarge feature on the View Item page if they are high enough resolution. So the recommended size is 1000 – 1500 pixels on the longest side (height or width).

Amazon eBay consultant service has been providing technical support to many business organizations for many years to let all the sellers make understand the ideal practice of eBay Amazon Image Requirement when posting a product image. We have extensive experience in providing effective solutions to our clients. We have trained high qualified consultants on image posting on Amazon or eBay. For any kind of logistic support regarding eBay Amazon Product Photo Editing Service or image posting your service, you can CONTACT US anytime.