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Concern about Our Privacy Policy

Privacy policy means the privacy of your visit to our website, submitted information, images, and other things we maintain. And you must be bound to accept our privacy policy before taking service from us. So, please read our privacy policy carefully and if there is something that you can’t accept or want to urge with, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at [email protected]

Privacy of Your Information

You can confidently share all your information images and other relevant things which we will mark as private to us. There is no doubt that we will not use this information or asset with other third parties or out of our house.
Your Personal Information and Security of Them
Your personal information like Name, Email, Business Details, Street Address, and images may be requested to ¬avail our service. We can assure you of this information and that we will never share it with another party anymore. Just never.

Use of Your Information

Except image file, other information like Name, Email, Business, and Street Address details could be used to notify you about the job status or progress, we could notify you of our offer, and promotional Email(we promise to keep it very tiny like 1 promotional email per month), new service or feature launching or availability etc.

Use of the Image File That You Will Send to Us to Get Edited

We are very strict and serious about the privacy of each image file that comes to our door. We know the image is our customer’s asset and we don’t have the right to use or share them in any way. So, we don’t do that. We don’t share our sample work with other parties clients or portfolio websites. You can keep your confidence at 100% level that your image is secure and your private asset to us.

But please note that we will keep the right to use our customer’s FREE TRIAL image as our sample image on our website or other portfolio websites, and will keep the right to show it to anyone as our sample work.

This is only for the first two FREE TRIAL images. Other images are always completely confidential to us.

Privacy of Outbound Link

We can’t guarantee you another outbound link that goes to others’ websites from our website or email sometimes. Sometimes we kept an essential link to make related things clear. Those links sometimes come from other websites that may make you to their website or web page. In that case, we would like to request you to read their privacy policy first to hang around.

Policy of Changing Our Privacy Policy

We keep the right to change our privacy policy anytime without pre-notice, but we must notify you of any kind of change to Our Privacy Policy. You can also check the version or last update date of our privacy policy, so you will get an idea of how updated you are with our policy.

Cookie Consent Management Declaration

To manage the cookies and similar technologies used (tracking pixels, web beacons, etc.) and related consents, we use the consent tool “Real Cookie Banner”. Details on how “Real Cookie Banner” works can be found at

The legal basis for the processing of personal data in this context is Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR and Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the management of the cookies and similar technologies used and the related consents.

The provision of personal data is neither contractually required nor necessary for the conclusion of a contract. You are not obliged to provide the personal data. If you do not provide the personal data, we will not be able to manage your consent.


We have tried to make clear every single thing that is related to our services here, but if still you think there is something that you can ask, just drop us a line. We will be there with an appropriate answer that will help you to get an idea about it. Hope you enjoy our services.